Archive for the Survival Horror Category

Resident Evil 5 Out in Japan, Asia

Posted in Action Adventure, Game-related Events, Gaming, My Stuff, PS3, Resident Evil, Survival Horror, Xbox360 on March 5, 2009 by thelonegamer

Today, the infection finally broke out. Copies of Resident Evil 5 for the Xbox360 and PS3 for Japan crept into stores and into the hands of rabid Infected gamers. Long lines of players wanting to blast mobs of possessed villagers and other mutant monstrosities appeared in front of Japanese stores. The Asian version is also out today, which I was not aware of, so it was only a little while ago that I was able to place my order for my own copy. Hopefully despite my slight tardiness Resident Evil 5 will infect my PS3 for a bloody entertaining weekend. I mean, Capcom owes me that after SFIV… Heh. Anyway, I should be well on my way to figuring out the mysteries behind this latest entry in the long-running survival horror series. Now I can find out what happened to Jill. And see if I can’t wipe that smirk off Wesker’s ugly mug.

The US gets their copy in a week or so, but those wanting to import, well, the Asian version has english language support. In any case, happy blasting, gamers.

Resident Evil 5 Hype Starting to Spread…

Posted in Action Adventure, Game-related Events, Gaming, PS3, Resident Evil, Survival Horror, Xbox360 on February 23, 2009 by thelonegamer

Chiaki, Chiaki, Chiaki…

The marketing machine for Capcom’s Resident Evil 5 seems to be going in full swing, with spots for the game with lovely Japanese actress Chiaki Kuriyama now showing on Nippon TV. BTW, Miss Kuriyama will be playing Ling Xiaoyu in the upcoming Tekken live-action movie…

Meanwhile on the other side of the equation,’s James Mielke just posted this foreboding pic on his blog…

Man, Capcom hit it right with this. No RE Fan worth his salt can resist getting this game after this intriguing bit. I can’t freakin’ wait. Just a couple more weeks…

Resident Evil 5: Dead and Buried?

Posted in Action Adventure, Game-related Events, Gaming, PS3, Resident Evil, Survival Horror, Xbox360 on February 17, 2009 by thelonegamer

Okay, this may actually kinda sorta qualify as a SPOILER, but not really. I mean, we all know this, if you watched all the trailers of Resident Evil 5.

Jill Valentine is DEAD. In case you missed it, this was first revealed in a trailer (TGS2008, I think) which showed a quick flash of a gravestone marked with the name of Resident Evil’s first female zombie fighter.

Well, that has been confirmed now by the voluminous article in the latest issue of Official Playstation Magazine, as part of a long and exhaustive Resident Evil Storyline/Timeline wrap-up. Apparently two years ago (2006), Jill was killed in the line of duty as an agent of the BSAA (the Anti-Bioterrorism Service group thingie). This will apparently be revealed in a flashback for Resident Evil 5, and it’s this event that haunts protagonist Chris Redfield as he delves into his latest adventure, with a new partner at that.


But I’ll bet good money of course that we won’t be seeing the last of Miss Valentine- you just can’t keep a good heroine down, and I’m pretty sure she’s the female seen hibernating in liquid in the earlier RE5 trailers, and probably the cloaked, hooded figure Wesker was about to unmask at the end of the latest trailer. It’s so obvious but who the heck cares… Capcom and videogames aren’t in general known for being subtle… I actually want it to happen. Jill’s too good to stay dead.

So, was she really killed, and is this one a clone? Or was her death staged, with Jill kidnapped and taken control of? Will you have to fight her in RE5? Can you save her? Or will she be gone forever?

Needless to say, Biohazard/Resident Evil fan that I am… I am NOT going to miss this game. Resident Evil 5 is out in March on both the PS3 and Xbox360.

Latest Resident Evil 5 Trailer is Epic

Posted in Action Adventure, Game-related Events, Gaming, PS3, Resident Evil, Survival Horror, Xbox360 on February 14, 2009 by thelonegamer

Capcom’s on a bit of a roll here in early 2009. With Streetfighter IV just released, in a few weeks we’ll be seeing the latest entry into the flagship survival-horror series. This new trailer is a lot heavier in plot elements, and shows off the various villains Chris and Sheva will be encountering, such as Excella Gionne and Ozwell E. Spencer, the almost-legendary founder of Umbrella.

What can I say? The graphics look amazing, and it looks like this game is gonna rival last year’s MGS4 in cinematic flair. There also seems to be no shortage of drama, with quite a bit of mystery and intrigue concerning past characters in the series aside from Chris Redfield being involved in the current crisis in Kijuju. So check out the trailer and let the speculations begin.

Resident Evil 5 is due out this March.

Resident Evil 5 Alternate Trailer

Posted in Action Adventure, Game-related Events, Gaming, PS3, Survival Horror, Xbox360 with tags on January 21, 2009 by thelonegamer

Here’s a direct-feed version of the awesome ‘alternate’ trailer shown at last year’s Tokyo Game Show. It’s got more plot-heavy elements and cutscenes, more of the hot and evil new villainess in white, and more of a pretty familiar old villain- Albert Wesker. Wesky’s gotten even more flashy and powerful since the Code Veronica days, where he was being slapped around by Alexia Ashford. Now as he’s confronting Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar, he’s in full Neo mode, complete with Bleach-esque flash steps and the supreme arrogance of someone with super powers bullying around a regular joe. It’s gonna be fun to kick his ass yet again when Resident Evil 5 hits consoles this March.

Best Cutscene Ever: Resident Evil Degeneration Review

Posted in Game to Movies, Game-related Events, Gaming, Survival Horror on January 11, 2009 by thelonegamer

It’s been a long time coming, but something finally happened which gamers have been clamoring for- a game-based CG movie actually made by the company who does the game. No, I don’t consider Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, since really they should have just chopped off the FF from the title of that pretty but vapid stinker.

Capcom-produced using graphics pretty much ripped from the games (but loads better since the PS2 days), Resident Evil Degeneration is a full-length CG action film based on the best-selling survival-horror videogames. The flick reunites popular RE heroes Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield, two of the few survivors of the original Raccoon City incident that first introduced the zombifying T-virus to the world. Taking off from his appearance in RE4, Leon is a special agent answering directly to the White House, dedicated to wiping out threats of bio-terrorism from the face of the earth. Claire, on the other hand, is affiliated with an NGO named Terra-Save that works against pharmaceutical companies that have risen up after the fall of Umbrella some years before. Once again, both Playables’ paths meet in a busy airport which soon becomes a zombie wasteland. But zombies and super-mutants aren’t the only things making trouble- shadowy politics and some behind-the-scenes manipulations are seeking to cover up this new incident yet again.

Well, what can I say? RED is pretty cool. Story-wise, the flick is fast-paced with few lulls that make you wanna press the fast forward button. The story is smart, but sometimes gets a bit too much into the conspiracy angle, and a little bit too much on the melodrama sometimes.

In terms of graphics, the whole film doesn’t quite match up to Pixar or even Dreamworks’ film standards- animations are for the most part realistic, but lack that feeling of life, of unique character and personality quirks. Faces are all of the uncanny-valley blank staring types which you never really get over for most of the movie. Leon has about ONE stoic expression for the whole movie- whether he’s staring down a zombie or looking ‘lovingly’ into a hot new love interest eyes, his face is always the same. Was David Duchovny used as the mo-cap model? Anyway, for the most part, faces aren’t the most expressive in terms of emotion.

That said, everything looks pretty slick and consistent- you just don’t find yourself investing too much into the cast as you’d do in something like The Incredibles or Toy Story. I just found too many parts set in the dark too much and for too long. Once again, it all looks like a very high quality game cutscene (with me expecting any moment for in-game playable portions to fade in), but once you accept that, it should be smooth viewing from there.

Voice work is decent, just very anime-ish. No big-name stars on the cast but they all pretty much do their job well (perhaps any faults lie with the writing, not the performances). Sound effects though are a mixed bag- explosions and gunshots are fine and dandy, but stuff like the characters’ footsteps are a bit too similar to the games… why does everyone seem to have feet that weigh fifty pounds?

Anyway, Resident Evil fans would do well to enjoy this film the most, as they’ll be the ones most attuned to this world, setting, characters and scenario. It does plug up some holes or mysteries in the series’ saga, and it’s great to see Claire and Leon in action… and there is quite a lot of action in the movie’s hour and a half. Quite a bit of CG blood flows as well, which should please monster/zombie buffs. Will anyone not much into Resident Evil get the movie? It’s not rocket science or a particularly complex movie, so why not?

Even though it’s far from perfect, I give RED a good thumbs up. I totally prefer this type of game-to-movie port rather than most crappy live-action attempts. Hopefully this actually gets more game companies to do animated CG movies more, and in that, Resident Evil Degeneration should be totally supported by every red-blooded gamer.

The Lone Gamer gives Resident Evil: Degeneration Three Severed Limbs out of Five. Though it never really strays far from being the longest Resident Evil cutscene ever, at least it IS the best Resident Evil cutscene ever. Fans of the RE franchise should watch this and enjoy it, particularly in the light of being the only canonical, in-world film translation of the RE series.

Played the Resident Evil 5 Demo. Got Killed.

Posted in Action Adventure, Gaming, Survival Horror, Xbox360 on January 2, 2009 by thelonegamer

I was finally able to circumvent the barriers that kept me from getting the Resident Evil 5 demo on Xboxlive Marketplace, and got the first stages of the upcoming survival-horror sequel running on my 360. And what do you know? It freakin’ kicked my butt the first time I played.

Well, it HAS been years since my last foray as an anti-zombie/monster agent, so I was rusty as heck. The controls are conceivably well-placed and easy to remember, but it was still not easy to move and fight in a high-stress environment- being besieged by hordes of crazed, armed rabble with limited ammo and a partner you often need to rush and aid every now and then. Though Sheva and I got out of the deathtrap, the pursuit continued with the requisite axe-wielding sub-boss bringing up the rear as other armed villagers hacked at us with impunity. Before long, I ran out of ammo and couldn’t find any in the vicinity, then Sheva got herself cut down. Game Over.

Man, that was hard and intense. I only played once so far, but I’ll be playing again soon to finish the demo. At the very least, it’s an awesome title to look forward to; the visuals are tops, the pace relentless and the action a notch up from RE4. The only problem, I still find Chris a bit tank-like to control, and aiming is pretty hard… well, it was my first time. A little practice should find me bringing down baddies handily next time.

RE5 is due out in March. Something to look forward to, then.

Degeneration Degenerated

Posted in Game to Movies, Gaming, Survival Horror with tags on November 16, 2008 by thelonegamer

Resident Evil: Degeneration, the all-CG Resident Evil movie, looks cool. I mean, any RE fan would be thrilled to have Claire and Leon back together again and kicking zombie ass. But man… seeing the recent clips posted online have kinda dampened my fervor. I mean, the whole thing has the look and sound of a game cutscene, instead of a high quality movie. This would have been awesome a couple of years ago… but now… well… I’d say that anyone going into this had better lower their expectations. Not sure I’d get this on Blu-Ray or anything, but I’ll probably check it out. Eventually…

Forbidden: Siren gets Creepy Remake on PS3

Posted in Gaming, PS3, Survival Horror on April 26, 2008 by thelonegamer

A new Siren game, for the PS3, was announced recently, preceded by a disturbing teaser online. The game is Siren: New Translation, and it is apparently a remake of the original game. For the uninitiated, Siren is a frighteningly eerie Survival Horror game in the vein of the creepiest Japanese horror films of recent years- think Ringu. The shtick in Siren was that you switched between various characters trapped in the dead town of Hanuda, often engaging in Sight-Jacking, which gave you temporary ability to look through the blood-gushing eyes of your undead pursuers.

Well, I was able to watch the demo video posted at Gamersyde, and certainly the game looks pretty awesome- the graphics are slick and use light and dark pretty well, with lifelike character models (well, the ones who are alive, anyway) and some creep-out moments. Much of the gameplay seems to involve sneaking around, with you having to shut off your flashlight when the undead shibito are about. Sight-jacking is back, as well as apparently easier combat judging from how the player characters were able to batter down attacking shibito with axe or bullet. Perhaps too well though- maybe it took away a bit from the scare factor when you could plow through ten or so zombies with little difficulty. But then, perhaps this was just for the demo and will change in the final game.

Good thing, like Biohazard, the game seems to be in english at least partially, with the American characters speaking english (an apparent improvement over the somewhat perplexing British accented-dub used in the original translation), though some characters speak in Japanese and the text is in kanji. Not the easiest to import. But with games not that plentiful on the PS3, this should be a good title to see translated over for us english speakers.

No word yet though if and when Siren comes to US PS3’s, but once we hear the eerie news, we’ll post it here asap.

First Look at Resident Evil: Degeneration!

Posted in Action Adventure, Anime, Fan Service, Game to Movies, Gaming, Survival Horror on December 17, 2007 by thelonegamer


Where the Resident Evil trilogy of movies starring Milla Jovovich chose to diverge from the path of the source material, the upcoming Resident Evil: Degeneration looks to spawn right from it. As in, straight out of the Biohazard games’ most awesome CG and coolest characters. This straight-to-DVD/video all-CG extravaganza promises zombies, monsters and more zombies. Oh, and the return of two of the series’ most beloved heroes, Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield.

Boasting of a ‘totally new storyline’ set 7 years after the original Raccoon City incident, this should be a treat for both game fans and lovers of sci-fi and CG flicks.Since this is a Sony thing, expect it to be exclusive to Blu-Ray (hang onto those PS3s) when it is unleashed later in 2008. For now though, check out the trailer posted over at Kotaku.

Claire’s still as lovely as ever. And probably a lot more kick-ass.